Best wishes for a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Hope you can take some time off to enjoy with family and friends. Traditionally Labor Day has been the harbinger of summer ending, however, on the Monterey Peninsula our Indian summer is just beginning and is usually our best weather of the year.
The Monterey Peninsula had an exciting August with “Car Week” front and center mid month. Thousands of people enjoyed the amazing cars displayed and there was something for everyone from classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, racing cars, and cars that reminded us of our youth. I attended Prancing Ponies Car Show August 18th as a VIP guest and enjoyed Breakfast at Tiffany’s chatting with all the fabulous women car owners who were showing their cars, and an amazing fashion show!
This incredible show was all coordinated by Chanterria McGilbra, the founder and executive director of Prancing Ponies Foundation, a non-profit whose mission is to “Create Women Leaders One Girl At A Time” working with low income women helping them to succeed.
More information about Chanterria

Another fun event for a very good cause was the Hearts of Carmel CA Unveiling Reception 2022. Delia Bradford is shown here in front of the Carmel library with the heart she painted named “The Morning Beach”. Seven local artists painted beautiful scenes on 7 hearts that are displayed around Carmel-by-the-Sea and are being auctioned off. Carmel Foundation, a non-profit for our seniors, will be one of the beneficiaries of this fundraiser. Click on the link below to experience this fun event
Link to the Reception, what a fun, fabulous event

The Carmel Foundation is one of our most beloved resources in Carmel. Megan Wilden, Carmel Foundation Director of Development, will tell you all about it in this short video below.
Link to Interview with Megan Wilden, Carmel Foundation Director of Development

Casanova 4 SE of 2nd, Carmel-by-the-Sea ~ Offered at $3,495,000
3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1616 sq. ft. Lot size 4000 sq. ft.
If you’re in Carmel this weekend and thinking about purchasing a home or just would like to stop by and chat, I’ll be at Casanova 4 SE of 2nd hosting an open house 1:00-4:00 on Sunday, September 4th.
Hope to see you there . . . or just go out and have fun!!!

A Lifetime of Achieving Success For Others
Recipient of the Carmel Chamber Award of Excellence
in Real Estate (small)
——————– More Hearts —————————

And the other side

Grab yourself a map of the locations and walk around Carmel-by-the-Sea and enjoy!