Our Q-2 real estate market report is here! And, we have great news to report! On the Monterey Peninsula we saw the number of sales increase, sales volume increase, average sales price increase, inventory increase, and days on market decrease. After a slow start in the beginning of the year and a lot of rainy weather, in Q-2 we saw three of the busiest months in real estate over the last two years. The sun is now shining, town is busy and summer is in full swing. Our report is broken down into individual areas since each area has its own stats so check out the areas most important to you and read the full Q-2 Market Overview which gives good insight into Monterey Peninsula real estate as a whole.
As always, if I can help with any of your real estate needs, don’t hesitate to call me. I would love to help you achieve your goals, your desires, and your dreams.