ABC’s of the Monterey Peninsula ~ “B” is for Beach
Carmel ~ Pebble Beach ~Pacific Grove ~ Monterey

A beach has always been a draw for most everyone and I’m no different. I’ve always loved the beach – the sound of the waves, the squawk of the sea gulls, the salt air, the feel of sand between my toes

. . . and yes, in my youth even enjoyed slathering on suntan lotion and baking in the sun – not recommended. Of course, our beaches in northern California are quite different that the ones I spent time at in my earlier years – Cape Cod, the Gulf Coast of Florida, and Hawaii.

Even though it is not “hot” here in the summer time residents and visitors alike throng to Monterey Peninsula beaches. The white sands of Carmel Beach with a backdrop of the Pebble Beach Golf Links attract hundreds of people any time of year.

When prospective buyers are thinking of purchasing a home here, a question I hear over and over again is, “How far is it from the beach?”

For dog lovers it is heaven since this beach is famous for allowing dog owners to allow their pets freedom from the leash. It’s a great place for picnics or a beach party and beach fires at this time are still allowed in certain areas and certain days – though many people would like to change that.

The other beach in Carmel is Carmel River State Beach and is also a beautiful long “walking” beach where you can enjoy fabulous views.

Pacific Grove, also, has a wonderful beach on Lover’s Point that many flock to on a sunny day.

When we have our warm spells, it tends to look like Coney Island with people sitting on their beach blankets packed together like sardines. The Recreation Trail between Lover’s Point and the Hopkins Marine Station is a favorite walk or bike ride for those who want to enjoy the rocky, rugged coastline – like me! I walk it almost every day.

Every spring the harbor seals have their baby pups who hang out at either the Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station beach or the 5th Street beach where the babies can be safe in the protected cove.

Of course, the Pacific Grove coast in spring is special not only for the Harbor seal pups being born, but for the “Pink Carpet” that bursts into bloom in April and May!

Pebble Beach has many wonderful beaches like Asilomar Beach (a lovely place to watch a sunset) on the boundary line of Pacific Grove

and Spanish Bay Beach complete with picnic tables.

Pebble Beach, also, has a phenomenal coastline.
Monterey boasts Del Monte Beach, the long walking beach that goes for miles. Whether you are walking, enjoying a sunset . . .

or hang gliding, this beach is a gem and not known by all visitors. I didn’t discover it until I moved here even though I had visited the Monterey Peninsula most of my life.

Ok, ready to go to the beach? Pick one and have fun! Surf’s up!

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Enjoy the beach!!