Yesterday in Pebble Beach, I joined a group of fantastic women representing a wide range of professions for a great seminar.
As a realtor with 29 years of real estate sales experience I never stop learning – in fact I was recently nicknamed the Education Advocate of my Alain Pinel Realtors-Carmel office. (I wonder why?) Well, here I go again, spreading the word about another great educational opportunity.

The seminar was called, “Mastering the Business of You” and was presented by two amazing women, Marion Gellatly and Mary Jeanne Vincent. Marion, a style and image expert, discussed the power of our brand, how we determine what our “brand” is, and how we are communicating visually with our clients. Mary Jeanne, a career coach and expert on Linkedin, taught us Negotiation skills and how to use LinkedIn to put our best online image forward. This was the first time they had teamed up to do a class together and it was a winner!
I highly recommend this seminar for any professional person who wants to update and upgrade their image online and person to person.