Today Carmel’s Farmers Market rocked out to the tunes of Nik Borotolussi & Friends from 11:00am on!
What could be better than buying strawberries to the sounds of “Sweet Georgia Brown“!
The crowd enjoyed the music while they shopped.
Look at these gorgeous, mouth-watering organic strawberries.
Or how about some luscious apples or grapes?
Flowers were there in abundance as well.
Exotic orchids and other flowers begging to be brought home to create a lovely bouquet for the dinner table.
The Carmel Farmer’s Market takes place every Thursday morning on Sixth Street between Junipero and Mission Street a block away from our office.
Thinking of buying a house along with your broccoli? Stop by and say hello. Would love to help you find your dream home.

Alain Pinel Realtors on Junipero between 5th & 6th.
Give Susan a call at 831-320-6801