ABC’S of the Monterey Peninsula ~ “C” is for “Car Week”
Carmel ~ Pebble Beach ~Pacific Grove ~ Monterey
Note Regarding 2021: Every August one of the biggest events of the Monterey Peninsula rolls along. This year, 2021, it will be taking place August 9th – August 15th. Last year in 2020 it was not held because of Covid so I know we will have a lot of fans on the Monterey Peninsula this year! Not all events will be taking place this year, but we will get to enjoy the popular Concours on the Avenue August 10th in downtown Carmel, a free event, and Concours de Elegance on August 15th. There are many more car shows and auctions during this week so check the SCHEDULE and have some fun!
Every year car enthusiasts converge on the Monterey Peninsula (which includes the towns of Carmel, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove, and Monterey) from all corners of our nation and beyond to attend a week of events, road rallies, parades, parties, fashion shows, racing, and car auctions.
The week culminates on Sunday with the prestigious Concours d’ Elegance in Pebble Beach. But first on Thursday there is a Tour D’Elegance and Display on Ocean Avenue in Carmel- a free event.
(Unfortunately this event will not be taking place in 2021)
A number of the cars showing on Sunday do a Road Tour of the Monterey Peninsula and stop in downtown Carmel-by-the-Sea for lunch in the park and have their vehicles on display on Ocean Avenue. How cool is that?
Wow! Love that color!
“Car people” look forward to this week with its events and parties all year. For the locals it is just great fun to partake of some of the events and enjoy the “Car Eye Candy” on the streets of Carmel and Pebble Beach!
Antique cars polished to perfection, Ferrari’s, Corvettes, Porsches,
Bentleys – you name it and its here!
Owner polishing to perfection
The owners furiously polish their cars because soon the judges will appear and their car will be judged for prizes – and who doesn’t like to win!
Every year new events are added and the menu becomes more and more diverse, plentiful and delightful! For instance this year there was a new event called the “Prancing Ponies” which happened on Wednesday. It was a group of Women Ferrari owners showing their cars and raising money for charity. Now that’s a club I’d like to join!
Maybe next year??
There is something now for everyone’s tastes and pocketbook. Many of the events, also, raise thousands for Charity ~ so that’s a good thing.
Other than the Thursday Tour D’Elegance, another favorite event of mine is on the Tuesday of “Car Week” and is called “Concours on the Avenue” (Tuesday August 10th this year from 10:00am-5:00pm) which takes place on Carmel-by-the-Sea’s world famous Ocean Avenue and is FREE!
This is the newest large event founded by Doug and Genie Freedman. Sixteen blocks of downtown is filled with collector cars including Luxury Cars, Muscle Cars, Hot Rods, and Sporting Cars.
The spit and polish needed to prepare these automobiles for showing and judging is incredible!
Tiffany will be on hand with beautiful trophies for the winners and, of course, those famous “blue boxes”! This impressive presentation is free to spectators and benefits the Carmel Foundation that provides a wide variety of services to local seniors.
Tiffany trophies waiting for the lucky winners.
To add to the fun the merchants up and down Ocean Avenue have decorated their show windows with displays that depict the car industry. Be sure to check out our Alain Pinel Realtors window display at the NW corner of Ocean and Dolores.
A Morgan unbelted!
It’s impossible to mention every event there are over 50. There are the auctions, the car displays, auto road rallies, racing out at Laguna Seca, reunions of car clubs, Concours Italiano, and even Concours D’Lemons. No matter what there is enjoyment and fun for all – so take your choice this week and the years to come.
And if you fall in love with the Monterey Peninsula while you’re here and would like to find your Dream Home, give me a call!
Feast Court – From left to right: Bottom Row: Princess Ruby Juliana Aliotti, Princess Sapphire Jenna Hall, Princess Amethyst Serena Paci Top Row: Master Rooster Thor Birch, Princess Tourmaline Rachel Sands, Queen Topaz Caroline Evans, Princess Emerald Caroline Coen, and Master Horse Elias Yevdash This is one of the big festivals during the year held in Pacific Grove – that is SO Pacific Grove. PG, as we locals call it affectionally, is called “Americas Last Hometown”, because it’s like the hometown that many of us grew up in across America in an earlier day. And, yes, it’s still pretty much like that now. Pacific Grove coastline
My hometown was kind of like Pacific Grove – but lose the coastline. Now I live 4 blocks away from the water and love it – matter of fact it’s my Xanadu! In my estimation, Pacific Grove has one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world – and I’ve seen a lot of them – but that’s really a different subject!
Feast of the Lanterns – Opening ceremony
Back to Feast of the Lanterns. I’ll let you click the link to learn all about the story and the wonderful young women and men who are lucky enough to land on the court. They will spend all year doing service for their community and receive academic scholarships. I have to give a shout out to Juliana Aliotti who is the daughter of Dominic and Mary Aliotti who own the very popular Pacific Grove eatery known as “Victorian Corner”. Not only great food (you will find my husband and I there most Saturday and Sunday mornings), but just a welcoming atmosphere that never fails to make you feel like you just walked into “Cheers’ and everyone yells your name.
Dinner at the Beach House
Another place we love is the “Beach House” and love to take advantage of their Sunset Special (read Early Bird special by 5:30PM). As I looked out onto the beach this evening as we were being seated, I literally asked my husband to sit in the chair that faced the beach, so I wouldn’t have to look out at all the blankets that some people have put down 3-4-5 days before the event — so they can have a front row seat. It drives me crazy! The event isn’t until Saturday night 2 days from now and the blankets have been on the beach for days!
Lover’s Point Beach covered with blankets by people saying Me First!
I know this may be a controversial subject, but it raises the hair on the back of my neck every year! I usually try to stay away from controversial matters on my blog, but my Social Media Guru, Katie Lance, says one shouldn’t stay vanilla on your blog – express your opinion – so here goes. Look at this photo above. There are 20-25 people who have spread out blankets -as they do every year – 3-4 days – maybe more – before the big Saturday night event and fireworks. They have decided, Me First – doesn’t matter if someone might actually want to enjoy the beach this week like our locals and the many visitors that bring income to this lovely resort town.
I am really interested in how you feel about this. Am I the Lone Ranger here? I would love to hear your comments and what you think on the subject.
But don’t worry, I’ll get over the angst of the beach taker overs and enjoy Saturday night and the fireworks! I love this town!
Thinking of buying or selling in Pacific Grove? I’m your gal. I love it here and know you will too!
Live in this lovely seaside town! Come by the Open House this weekend on Sunday 1:00 – 4:00 pm and let’s chat about Pacific Grove real estate. Enjoy the video about this PG Charmer!