Alain Pinel Realtors Awards Banquet and Dinner Dance
Evening on the Orient Express!
January 26, 2019
All Aboard!
Rob, Judie, and Bob Profeta, Broker/owner of Alain Pinel Realtors-Carmel
In January we had an evening of fun and frolic to honor our Top Producers with the theme of the Who done it . . “Murder on the Orient Express“. Luckily, there was no real murder and all survived the evening enjoying a wonderful dinner and kicking up our heels dancing.

We had an “ice breaker” to get people to mingle. Our mission with a prize at completion was to find all the other guests with our same card representing the characters from the movie, “Murder on the Orient Express“. Luckily, in this case, the butler DIDN’T do it.

My husband, Allan, standing in the center, drew the conductor card.
After dinner was the presentation of the 2018 Awards
for Alain Pinel Realtors – Carmel

The Skyrocket Award was presented to the agents who skyrocketed their way to success – surpassing their previous years production many times over.

The Circle of Excellence Awards were presented to the agents who succeeded in having a very successful year and were in the top 9 agents in production. I was honored to be among them.

Allan and I never turn down an invitation for dancing no matter what the occasion. All in all, it was a great evening and a great celebration!
Many thanks to Judie and Bob Profeta and Rob Profeta and our incredible staff for creating such a lovely night of celebration.